Partnerships and Facilitation
We have extensive experience in partnership approaches and facilitation. Liz was the Executive Officer of the Central West Gippsland Primary Care Partnership for 10 years, successfully facilitating the partnership of 23 member agencies. We understand that working in partnership is essential to develop and implement solutions to complex problems. We can work with you to help identify your key partners, engage them in vision and objective development, co-design the approach and collectively support the delivery of your initiative. We are also highly skilled in partnership evaluations/reviews and can provide a tailored approach to meet your needs. An example of a partnership review we have conducted can be viewed here - Latrobe-Valley-Asbestos-Taskforce-Multi-stakeholder-Partnership-Analysis.pdf ( We have delivered a wide range of partnership and facilitation services in the past (listed below), and can tailor our approach to meet your specific needs. Facilitation and partnerships services